Draining - Pumping

The main maintenance for non-collective sanitation facilities consists in the draining of trenches (septic tanks and all water tanks), micro-station, grease tank, and in pipe cleaning. Individuals are required to have a draining work when the dirt reaches 50 % of the tank capacity, so usually every 3 to 4 years.
Professionals such as delicatessen shops, restaurants and others can have their draining done by BAUMEO Travaux as we take the grease out and clean your grease tank. During our interventions (maintenance contract) we also clean your tank’s inlet and outlet pipes.

* BAUMEO Travaux has the French department of Alpes Maritimes’ DDTM’s certification, allowing us to offer our services.

We also intervene in all waters pumping : inundated cellars, vaults, …

To schedule an intervention, please call us : 04 93 09 39 50.

Classic interventions scheduled 2 weeks ahead, emergency interventions possible to schedule in 48 hours. You can also subscribe to our maintenance contract (compulsory for restaurants’ grease tanks).

* The prefect’s certification for draining gives you the guarantee that the dirt that was extracted from your facilities will be correctly treated. You can check all the certified draining companies in your area on your prefecture’s website.

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190 ch frayère – ZA Picourenc (lot 4A) 06530 Peymeinade

04 93 09 39 50

06 86 82 56 57





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