Experienced professionals in sanitation
BAUMEO TRAVAUX is a company specialized in sanitation work and it is located in Peymeinade, French department of Alpes-Maritimes.
Our company offers quality service using tools and materials that respond and are adapted to your needs.
BAUMEO is divided into 2 companies, offering 2 families of activities on the same spot :

Bauméo Hydro
A hydrogeological soil studies office that assists you in the design and prescription of your sanitation and rainwater works, as well as project management.
Bauméo travaux
A local and family business providing all your sanitation and various other amenities …
190 ch frayère – ZA Picourenc (lot 4A) 06530 Peymeinade
04 93 09 39 50
06 86 82 56 57